Certified Integrative Health Coach
In The Name of Wellness is the culmination of nearly 20 years of my health and wellness journey.
I'm so honored that I get to share all I've learned with you as you take the next step towards your best-feeling life.
Functional Medicine-Based Wellness
I help women find the root causes preventing them from living their best-feeling life and I provide support towards turning your wellness dreams into your reality.
I was in a car accident - a head-on collision.
I came out of it pretty okay. Just a massive bump on my forehead, scratches, bruising, and a few stitches. Lucky, right?
Unfortunately, the pain didn’t end the night I walked out of the emergency room.
In fact, it only increased. To deal with the chronic pain, I took medicine. A LOT OF MEDICINE. And then when that medicine stopped working, I took stronger medicine, and that was my life for years.
My body had enough.
I had been dealing with a pain in my stomach for about a month, on top of the digestive issues and chronic pain I dealt with daily.
I lost 10 pounds nearly overnight. I couldn’t stomach eating anything, and to top it all off…I had zero energy.
Like so many of us would do in a similar situation, I went to my doctors looking for answers.
All I got was, “There is nothing wrong, it might be all in your head, you look healthy to me”.
Why then, was I feeling so sick?!?
Why was I dealing with chronic pain?
Why did I have a gnawing pain in my stomach?
The pivotal moment came when I was sitting with my GI doctor after reviewing results of an endoscopy and scan.
The results were in and there was nothing in my gut that would be causing the pain I was in. “Luckily, we can rule out anything major” my doctor said.
I was also told I could take medication to stop the pain signals being sent from my stomach to my brain.
In that moment, I knew what I needed, the answers to my questions, were not going to be found in that doctor’s office.
That was the day my true healing journey began.
I cleaned up my diet, worked on reducing my stressors, and I finally started to feel a tiny bit better.
Then I discovered Functional Medicine lab testing and all of my questions, and all the questions I didn’t know to ask, finally had an answer.
Compared to traditional labs that I ran with my primary care physician, functional lab testing allowed me to take control over my health by looking at how my body was ACTUALLY functioning on a biochemical level.
I found out that I was dealing with nutrient deficiencies, toxicities, and microbial gut imbalances and my WHOLE WORLD changed.
I learned that the absence of disease does not mean the presence of health.
I learned that I couldn't find health in my doctor's office.
I learned that my conventional system of medicine could only help me WHEN I had a diagnosable disease.
I learned that I had to take ownership in order to find what had eluded me for so long: WELLNESS.
It was up to me to decide how I wanted to FEEL and how I wanted to LIVE.
And I wanted to FEEL good. I wanted to live a life different from the one I had been living for the past decade just because I deserved it.
And you do too.
With that, I decided to move into the realm of coaching. To empower women to take ownership over their health, over their wellness, and over their lives.
Because we DESERVE to FEEL GOOD.
We deserve to have the life of our dreams and the health of our dreams.
Are you ready to feel your best?