Mineral Depletion And It’s Effect On The Body
Along with minerals and ultra-trace minerals, this lab can also show if there are any heavy metal toxicities that have built up in the body as well.

The Power of Breath
The state of our breath can tell us a lot about how our body is feeling at any specific moment. And by taking time to notice our breath, we can get some pretty good intel on how our body is doing and what state it is in.

6 Simple Ways to Combat Stress
Taking time to take care of yourself and to help manage your stress is pivotal to your well-being.

Are You Seeking Illness, or Wellness?
If you are looking for wellness, you won’t find it in your doctor’s office.
That’s because illness lives there.

When To Buy Organic Produce
Toxins can build up in our body, and if our liver, our major detoxifying organ, is not able to keep up with the total number of toxins we are bringing in, it will start to store them.

Uncovering Hidden Food Sensitivities
An IgG Food Sensitivity Test can be helpful for anyone who is dealing with chronic conditions, as this can be a way to reduce foods that cause high reactions, and also help reduce inflammation

Ever Been Excited To Look In The Toilet?
It is recommended to continue doing the liver and gallbladder cleanse until you have had two cleanses with no stones. This will be a sign of optimal liver health.