Ever Been Excited To Look In The Toilet?
Disclaimer: Pictures of the results are included at the bottom! Scroll at your own risk :)
Yup, you read that right. Have you ever been excited to actually look in the toilet to see what is going on in there?
Those were my sentiments after seeing the first results of the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse.
For anyone who has ever done a cleanse or a detox, you know that it can be difficult. I have done numerous detoxes in my life, and while this cleanse was a new one, it definitely made me nervous not knowing what it would be like.
To provide more information, and to be completely transparent regarding how it went, this is an update on Should We Cleanse Our Liver and Gallbladder?
Instead of drinking 32 ounces of apple juice, I opted for using 1-2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in a glass of water, four times per day.
The ACV was incredibly helpful with sugar cravings as well- I love sweets and had zero cravings during the preparation days.
Breakfast (days 1-5)
Smoothie with spinach, blueberries, almond butter, DNS powder
NOTE It is recommended to omit supplements that aren’t considered necessary during the preparation days, and I consider my DNS necessary, so I kept that in. I did omit other supplements and vitamins that I take daily (Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega-3, Magnesium)**
Lunch day 1
Chicken, salad with cucumber, pita, and a few french fries
Dinner day 1
Chicken, white rice, steamed broccoli
Lunch day 2
Two chicken tacos (chicken cooked in broth) with avocado and micro greens
Dinner day 2
Chicken, white rice, steamed broccoli
Lunch day 3
Chicken teriyaki (light sauce), mushrooms, white rice
Onion soup
Dinner Day 3
Oatmeal with cinnamon, apples, blueberries
Lunch day 4
Poached chicken with white rice and steamed broccoli
Dinner day 4
Oatmeal with cinnamon, apples, blueberries
Lunch day 5
Chicken salad, light dressing, sliced almonds
Dinner day 5
Oatmeal with cinnamon, apples, blueberries
Day 6
Morning- 32 ounces of water with ACV
Lunch- steamed broccoli and carrots with white rice, topped with a dash of Himalayan sea salt
Evening Day 6
6:00pm- Epsom salt mixture
8:00pm- Epsom salt mixture
9:30pm- First BM
10:00pm Olive oil and grapefruit juice mixture was surprisingly easy to drink
10:40pm- 6:00am- very little sleep and many trips to the restroom
Day 7
6:00am- Epsom salt mixture
8:15am- Epsom salt mixture
9:30am- MAGIC
After going to the restroom numerous times and feeling pretty deflated, this is when the stones started to appear.
At first there were just a few tiny ones, maybe just 1cm in size or so.
The next trip to the restroom had bigger stones that were passing, and it just continued this way for the next few hours.
To be honest, never has there been so much excitement going to the bathroom.
To be clear, the only thing that was passing was gallstones and water. And it was pretty freakin awesome.
10:30am- fresh greens juice (cucumber, celery, kale)
2:00pm- bowl of blueberries
4:00pm- poached chicken with baked sweet potato
In total, there were easily over 200 stones that passed, varying in size, the largest ones close to an inch in size.
During one point in the night, I could feel the bile passing from the liver into the ducts. There was a warm tingling sensation and the feeling of something dropping from the liver. It was AMAZING and it made me so aware of my body.
Most importantly, my body felt really good afterwards. The hardest part was rushing to the restroom after drinking the Epsom salts. They are used to help relieve constipation after all!
I did feel slightly nauseated during the night from the citrus in my stomach- I rarely eat late at night and it was uncomfortable having so much juice in my stomach while trying to sleep.
It is recommended to go to sleep immediately after drinking the olive oil and grapefruit juice mixture, and as much as I tried, I was unable to sleep. I ended up in my living room propped up on my sofa watching tv most of the night.
I did have a slight headache during the process, probably due to the release of toxins and the lack of sleep.
There was a noticeable increase in energy with each release of stones. It was really incredible.
The most fascinating part was knowing that all this sludge had built up in my liver and gallbladder.
It is recommended to continue doing the liver and gallbladder cleanse until you have had two cleanses with no stones. This will be a sign of optimal liver health.
Keeping that in mind, I will continue to cleanse on a monthly basis until I have reached those two stone-free cleanses!
The body is remarkable in its ability to keep us alive and functioning. Knowing that we are able to do more to assist the body in not only functioning, but in functioning OPTIMALLY, is a passion of mine.
I feel lighter. I feel more energized. I feel like all my future cleanses will be easier now that I know what to expect. I feel as though all my future detoxes will be more beneficial as well.
I feel as though my body will be able to take in more now that my liver is not as congested as it was before.
I feel in control of my health.
I feel in control of my wellness.
I feel balanced.
And that, my friends, feels EXTRAORDINARY.
Remember to check out Should We Cleanse Our Liver and Gallbladder? for the full cleanse instructions!
First cleanse results, March 2021 and second cleanse results, April 2021