Does Your Gut Actually Leak?

Hippocrates has been credited with saying “All disease begins in the gut”.

And the more we study the gut, the more we come to understand how intricately linked it is to our overall health, so much so, that our gut is affectionately called our second brain.

So with all this talk on gut health, let’s talk about the gut!

What is leaky gut, aka intestinal permeability?

Our intestinal wall is made up of four layers, the first layer being a single layer of epithelial cells. When the junctions between this first layer of cells weaken and separate, bacteria and toxins are able to seep through the remaining layers, and enter the bloodstream.

Oftentimes due to our diets, stress, alcohol, antibiotics, and toxins, small gaps start to form in between the cells, commonly referred to as “leaky gut” or “intestinal permeability”.

Our gut itself isn’t leaking, YUP that’s what I thought the first time I heard the term, but it refers to the ability of bacteria, toxins or other particles, to get through the gut wall and into our bloodstream.

What are some symptoms of leaky gut?

If you suffer from any of the following, it may be time to look at your gut function!

  • digestive issues

  • IBS, constipation, diarrhea

  • bloating

  • inflammation

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • skin issues (A MAJOR indicator of gut issues)

Why does it matter?

Chances are you, or someone you know, suffers from any number of those symptoms just mentioned! And it is a darn shame knowing how much we know about the gut and its effect on our health!

When bacteria and toxins seep into our bloodstream, the body knows they don’t belong, and mounts an immune defense to protect you. The body is not messing up. The body is doing EXACTLY what it needs to to keep us alive. But keeping us alive and keeping us functioning optimally are two very different things!

If we are constantly putting our bodies on defense, we start to feel it. We feel the digestive issues, we also feel the fatigue, we feel the lack of energy, we feel the brain fog, we feel the headaches, we feel all these little symptoms that aren’t given any diagnosis, and if they are, it’s usually idiopathic: origin unknown.

And sometimes I just feel like grabbing people by the shoulders and saying “get your gut right!”

Next steps?

Do a gut check. (See what I did there?!?!)

Do you deal with any of these symptoms frequently?

  • digestive issues

  • IBS, constipation, diarrhea

  • bloating

  • inflammation

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • skin issues (MAJOR INDICATOR of gut issues)

If so, you may benefit from a few lifestyle modifications to help get the gut on track.

  • eat a variety of foods - fruits and vegetables provide a wide array of microbes that are beneficial for the gut

  • eliminate processed foods

  • get a dose of probiotics to help maintain balance in the gut

  • avoid artificial sweeteners

  • avoid foods that you have a sensitivity to (dairy, gluten, eggs, soy are common food sensitivities)

  • reduce stress

  • exercise regularly

  • get in good quality sleep

  • avoid excessive use of antibiotics

If you do another gut check and find that you are still not feeling as optimal as you’d like, you may benefit from running an at-home functional medicine lab to see if you are also dealing with any imbalances and or sensitivities impairing your gut health!

If that sounds like your next steps, let's chat!

Schedule a discovery call and let's get your gut right!


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Abhyanga, An Act of Self-Love