How To Find The Perfect Dose of CBD

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It seems like CBD has made its way into everything these days!

I absolutely love it and include it in my wellness routine on a near daily basis.

And for anyone who is interested in trying CBD for the first time, or looking for help finding the right dose, help is here!

A Brief Overview of CBD

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is naturally occurring, and this is the chemical that accounts for the relaxation and calming effects of CBD.

CBD is NOT psychoactive.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a component found in marijuana, accounts for the “high” effects of marijuana.

When it comes to the plants used for making CBD products, hemp, must contain less than 0.3% of THC.

Both CBD and THC interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system. While research is still being done to understand the endocannabinoid system itself, there are signs showing that it is involved in regulating many processes within the body, including sleep, appetite, metabolism, chronic pain, and mood, to name a few.

What are some benefits of CBD?

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done on the effects of CBD on the endocannabinoid system as well as the other effects it has on the body.

Two common ways CBD is used is to support mood and sleep quality.

What dosage is best?

This will really depend on the benefits you are looking for and also the type of CBD product that is being used, along with personal factors that contribute to dosage as well.

When I first started using CBD two years ago, I started off using a CBD oil that was a 25 mg per serving, and personally, I found the taste to be extremely CBD-ish. Because it was taken orally, the oil seemed to take effect pretty quickly, which was nice, as I felt the relaxing effects within minutes.

Since I wasn’t too much a fan of the taste, I decided to try gummies, which were delicious!

OMG so good I could have eaten the whole bottle in one serving, and at 5mg per gummy, it was easy to dose out and add more if needed.

Starting off at 5mg is a great place to start. From here, you can add on additional gummies depending on how you are feeling.

Up the dosage gradually, over a few days, to see how you feel and how your body is responding.

Once you find an appropriate dose for the benefits you seek, be they to help you sleep better, to help you feel a bit more relaxed, or just for overall wellness, you can always adjust as needed.


Talking about all this CBD makes me so glad to have found Joy Organics!

Joy Organics offers USDA Certified Organic and Broad Spectrum CBD.

They have a variety of products to choose from, from CBD bath bombs (which are AH-MAZING!) to salves and gummies…

Strawberry Lemonade gummies are always on hand in my place!

Head on over to check out their entire collection of CBD to find the best solution for you and your wellness needs!


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